Any good FM tuners around for less than $200?

There is not much discussion of tuners these days - who still listens to radio unless it is over the Internet?? lol I imagine there are still some folks that like the radio, and hopefully some of them are here on Audiogon.

I would like to add a decent - not top of the line, obviously, given my budget - FM tuner to my 2-channel system. I am rather overwhelmed by the info on the FM Tuner Information site - I don't understand a lot of it, and many of the tuners they review and like are seldom available for sale these days. I just want a good sounding, not too expensive tuner that will 'satisfy' my occasional radio listening needs! The stations I listen to - mostly via car radio - are local and primarily public (no ads) radio stations, though I do listen to some classic rock stations as well.

A tube tuner would be nice, but possibly more than I can spend, especially if it needs tube replacement, alignment and that sort of thing. Solid state will do, obviously. So, Fisher? Rotel? Marantz? Something totally different?

I do not currently have an outdoor antenna, but that is something I hope to get in the future - one that can be mounted on the exterior wall as opposed to the roof

What tuners would you recommend that I put on my short list?

I still use a Sumo "Charlie the Tuner" and love
it. I think they run around $200 used, if you can find a
good clean one.

The Magnum Dynalabs that Peter references above are
excellent also.
We have exc. radio stations where I live so tuners are something I use and enjoy daily. These are the tuners which I own presently: NAD 402, Sansui TU-D33, Technics ST-505's, AMC T-7, Pioneer Pioneer F-447. They all sound great! I can't understand how in the world the AMC T-7 got such a bad review! Recently sold my Yamaha T-7 and T-1 tuners. Great as well. I'd check out Ebay and the seller's feedback very closely. You should find something for $50 +/- no problem. Recently Marantz tuners such as the ST-46 and 59's are going for a song. Lots of great choices!!!
You might want to look at a Parasound t/dq-1600 tuner. There are several on E-bay right now for under 200. This tuner sold for about 500 dollars ten or more years ago. At the time it received good reviews. I owned it myself before I upgraded to a fanfare tuner. good hunting