06-06-14: Almandog
Before cleaning the records I bought at The Show, I emptied the water from KLaudio. I took a clean piece of tissue to clean out reservoir and I could not believe what I saw. The tissue looked like mud was all over it. There was a lot of residue and brown muck in the reservoir. This means that the KLaudio is doing its job in getting muck from inside the recors groves.....
I will use Spin Clean for finger print and oil from now on and Klaudio for deeper cleaning....
The best results (and also most reliable from the technical view) you will get the way you did describe. The mold should be removed with a machine which is able to do a good job, best is a point nozzle design. Then you can do a final Ultra Sonic clean. When I do it that way, the main gunk is in my Monks and when I do an additional run of that "pre-cleaned" Record in the Klaudio there is no more dirt in the reservoir.
But even when you are lazy and use the Klaudio only, deskilled water is cheap, a change of the fluid is easy. Btw. Fingerprints are uninteresting, that is a visual disturb only. The diamond of the cartridge tracks the inside the grooves, not their top. Of course, the ADS has advantages, but the time showed, it made too much problems and some did choose the Klaudio because they want something reliable. I am one of those. And the combination of a point nozzle + Klaudio is simply the best when you are serious in records.