What kind of power cord comes with expensive gear

I was just pondering power cords today . I started wondering what kind of power cords come with expensive gear . Over A few grand up to cost no object pieces . If they come with run of the mill black rubber shielding cords i can convince myself to never buy an aftermarket power cable again .

Any owners of said equipment or with knowledge on this subject please chime in .
Orpheus10, your two posts make it appear as if you listen with your eyes.
Relax, this isn't a pissing contest. No one's is better than yours, just as yours isn't better than anyone else's.
C = U
C = S
C = S
P = R
BYOB = :^)
SPQR = SRO = To the Forum where my PC will battle your PC!
What does a pissing contest have to do with power cords? Your logic eludes me, but then again, nonsense is not supposed to make sense, maybe it's supposed to be funny?

01-28-13: Jmcgrogan2
Because I believe in an actual science of acoustics. I must despise this hobby? You sir are a naive idiot. Who in your ignorance believes in not a truth but what you consider the truth. It's your dough spend it as you like. But to ignore common sense and the natural laws of science is complete looney.