What kind of power cord comes with expensive gear

I was just pondering power cords today . I started wondering what kind of power cords come with expensive gear . Over A few grand up to cost no object pieces . If they come with run of the mill black rubber shielding cords i can convince myself to never buy an aftermarket power cable again .

Any owners of said equipment or with knowledge on this subject please chime in .
What does a pissing contest have to do with power cords? Your logic eludes me, but then again, nonsense is not supposed to make sense, maybe it's supposed to be funny?

01-28-13: Jmcgrogan2
Because I believe in an actual science of acoustics. I must despise this hobby? You sir are a naive idiot. Who in your ignorance believes in not a truth but what you consider the truth. It's your dough spend it as you like. But to ignore common sense and the natural laws of science is complete looney.
02-16-13: Schipo
01-28-13: Jmcgrogan2
Because I believe in an actual science of acoustics. I must despise this hobby? You sir are a naive idiot. Who in your ignorance believes in not a truth but what you consider the truth. It's your dough spend it as you like. But to ignore common sense and the natural laws of science is complete looney.

Now I'm gonna go buy some Stealth Sakra interconnects AND Nordost Odin speaker cables AND (5) Purist 25th Anniversary power cords, just to make YOUR head explode ....hahahahahahaha

Remember, your 'laws of science' are an ever expanding field of knowledge, based on what we currently CAN explain. As we humans continue to evolve, and our minds and comprehension continues to develop, the laws change. Your type existed several centuries ago too....and swore that the earth was flat.

Continue to limit your mind to the current limitations of science if you wish. You should not call others names who believe that the world is not flat though, for one day your 'science' may catch up and figure out how to measure what we are hearing.

By all means, continue to listen with your eyes, reading what some science report says you should hear. However, just because you choose to limit your mind to boundries set by the current limitations of scientific understanding, don't expect others to limit their minds as well.