Pro-Ject turntables

I was interested in Pro-Ject turntables...are they as good as the reviews say? And which model is the one to get? It could be the less expensive one, no problem. Thanks!
My first venture into higher-end vinyl bliss was with a Project Wood Classic and a Grado Reference Statement($1200), thru a Plinius M-16P, circa 2003. A great sounding combo that I wish I kept. Gives my Vpi Scout a good run for the money.
I owned a Project 2.9 Wood a few years ago. I believe the retail was around $899. I looked beautiful (European pear wood) and sounded great too. I wish I still owned it.
Well I purchased a Pro-ject Debut Carbon after scouring the net for threads like this. I bought a demo online, waited for the delivery, powered it up andÂ…it doesn't spin. The power switch doesn't seem defective as I get a hum when I lightly touch the motor spindle, but it won't turn, major bummer! I was more than a little surprised that a major online dealer of Pro-ject would ship an obvious customer return unit without basic testing to see if the damn thing works!

Anyway, a BNIB unit is on the way. I've read about the Rega and Pro-ject entry level models having some occasional hum issues, but the Pro-ject seems to have a simple enough fix that's making its way around the net. But on top of that, my defective model's power supply seemed to be an issue. It's a wall wart that supposedly takes 120 VAC and steps it down to 15 VAC. This one measured 18.2 VAC when receiving 117.3 from my wall.

Would that over voltage be a possible source of hum issues?
Hmm...doesn't sound too swift. However, I'm looking at the higher end models, so maybe less problems? The other turntables that I fancy at the moment are the Luxman PD-171 and the Clearaudio Ovation.