Dynavector 20xH - Boring Presentation?

Hello All,

I recently swapped out a Denon DL160 for Dynavector DV 20xH, I let the cart break in for about 25 hrs so far. The presentation of the Dyna is rather boring when compared to the economical 160. The midrange and the bass are good but the top end is no where close to the 160. It lacks the sparkle at the top. And the dynamics also seem to be more immediate with 160. I'm I missing something here .

I'm using a 4mm spacer under the tonearm, so VTA seems to be close to 98.5 degrees, so no issues there. Used Mint LP Tractor to set-up both the carts.

I'm trying hard to like the dyna, but I keep going back to the 160. Here is the reset of my system ...

Rega P2 (RB 250 with Michell Tecnoweight)
EAR 834P MM/MC Phono Stage (Acoustic Zen Matrix Interconnects)
Audio Analogue Verdi Settanta Int Amp
Sonus Faber Venere 2.5 speakers (Nordost BH cables)
"I'm using a 4mm spacer under the tonearm, so VTA seems to be close to 98.5 degrees, so no issues there.

This seems really high to me? SRA/VTA should be around 91-92 degrees for most cartridges. I would make sure that your measurements are correct.

I've setup a lot of Dynavector carts and find them to work the best with the arm just a smidgen low at the rear.
I forgot to mention that you will have to set your 834P to MM and not MC. You probably know that already, but just in case.
Thank you all for the suggestions. The SRA was a typo I meant to type 92.5 degrees. With the 4mm spacer I get that VTA.

Yes sir, the 834P is in MM mode. I'll give it some more time, but I have a feeling that Dyna is not to my taste. Probably I like the system to sound a bit brighter as opposed to it having a ruler flat frequency response. Will update the post when
Livin, I've done the DV20X2 H. Pull my threads and you'll catch some of my comments. Between you, me and the wall, I had the same reaction as you.

I recall switching the DV out for the Soundsmith VPI Zephyr, which IMO, sounded better. However, I've currently settled on the Lyra Kleos. In between was the Lyra Delos, which I think knocks the socks off both the Dynavector and the Zephyr.

If you only want to drop $1650 on a cartridge, the Delos is for you. If you want to spring for a little more, the Kleos is the cartridge to have.

Two caveats. The Kleos' output is .5 mVolts. The Delos is a little more. So make sure your rig has enough gain headroom. The other is tonearm compatibility. The Kleos and Delos are low/mid compliance cartridges. I don't know what the effective mass of your tonearm is. Just be sure the match is good if you want to go the Lyra route.