Graham Elite

Is there anyone who still looks to receive his Elite tonearm? Any idea why it takes so long to build that one into current production? If I am not wrong, Graham announced Elite at the beginning of 2013, it almost makes one and a half year. I used to order months ago. Tons of excuses (I do not talk to him directly, but my dealer) so far, then got feedback that tonearm is ready last week. This time, no feedback again hence cargo carrier now could not reach to Graham. Weird. Make no mistake, I really like Graham tonearms, I have one Phantom B-44 and quite pleased with it. Perhaps some others who still look to receive have different information. I would like to hear opinions/feedbacks please. Thanks.
I realized it was a bit unfair to call Graham tonerms as toys compared to Ikeda. Although I admit Ikeda is a special piece of gear, it does not make Graham underdog. So I am correcting myself.
That's great news! I look forward to some feedback specially in comparisons to what individuals currently have.

Christian when are you getting yours.

I have had mine "not the actual latest production unit" since November of last year when Bob set-it up along with my AF-1. In conversation Bob mentioned the only changes would be cosmetic but I do look forward to the exchange and receive my current production unit but I'm in no rush so I'll step aside allowing all others to receive theirs because I know it has been a long wait.

I have not done any comparison but to provide a bit of info I did own a Phantom II which was paired up with a TW AC-3 but then got a REED 12" which I greatly preferred. I also had a TW 10.5 and found there were differences, both sold both and kept the REED.

I still had them when I purchased a TW BKnight table, gorgeous table and preferred such over my AC3, sold the AC3.

I then purchased a Micro Seiki 5000 along with other accessories to get the most out of it, once completed preferred such over my BKnight so I eventually sold that table also.

All along keeping the REED because it's just a great arm!

So why am I providing this feedback? Well because once I got my AF-1 with Elite arm and paired it up with a A90 cart, got it dialed in this is by far the best my system has ever sounded.

So what's contributing to this? Is it just the table? Not sure - Is it a combination with the Elite arm? Not sure, but what I can say is it has gotten me off the merry-go-round and I find myself just enjoying and listening.

I'm still awaiting for my second rear armboard for the back slot so I can then mount my REED arm and cart, at that time I will be able to do a direct comparison.

So I await to read comments back
I have yet to receive my Elite arm despite being promised on many occasions that I would be in the first batch. I am not happy.
05-03-14: Number_95
Perhaps Bob heard us! My dealer informed me that Graham sent the tonearms and will be available as of Monday-Tuesday.

From my conversation with Bob today, it appears your dealer secured the arm from Musical Surroundings (distributor) that was shown at the Chicago show ? If so, your's is the first production arm. I have been reassured by Bob that AF1 turntable owners will be the first one's to get the arm before other orders are filled.. which will be very shortly.
Hi Christian,

You must be right, presumably me and a friend of mine have got the first produced arms. Pity, Elite DIN connector config is different than B44 so I await Transparent to remake the L shape Ref MM tonearm cable to straight. So I still wait to use Elite. It is still on its box! :-)