2 meters + ~ 6 feet, 6 inches. Now I translated it to the British/American language, I am impressed too, if this is Syntax's actual height. Let's see: the only major areas of disagreement between me and Syntax is he dislikes Koetsu and all MM cartridges, and I like my Koetsu Urushi (no opinion on stone-bodied, Rosewood, etc) and several MM cartridges. BUT we both like ZYX and FR tonearms. I will have to post more about the latter products, I guess. On the other hand, Syntax is not going to knock on my door without first expending a great deal of travel time.
As Thuchan likes to say, "all in fun". (However, it seems Thuchan was offended last time I questioned something he wrote, even though it was all in fun.)