Thinking about getting into vinyl again...

After 25 years. Any suggestions (besides don't ; )?

Thanks to my Audio Note Dac, I have an Awesome Digital setup and am very pleased with the sound. However I do love vinyl setups when I hear them. Further, now that my system's just the way I want it, I have nothing to obsess about, research, tinker with...etc.

I have a Modified Musical Fidelity A5 my, ears the best sound I've ever heard and I've tried many many pieces. (In fact, that may be why I've run into a wall, I'm done looking at amplification too). Hoping to avoid the whole phone stage thing... assuming the A5's is decent.

I want a decent vinyl setup -- but don't want to spend a fortune either. After exhaustive research I'm pretty set on trying a Rega P3 w the Elys2 cartridge (bit over a thousand new). Right or wrong, part of the reason I chose this is relative simplicity of setup and use. Although I'm open to messing with accessories and upgrades, I don't want to mess with spacers, complicated adjustments, changing arms, or hacking the table in any way.

Any thoughts about:

The move in general
Tips and tricks
Accessories: Cleaning Kits, scales, etc.
Upgrading that MM Cart (slightly, I don't want to spend more than a hundred or so more)
I thought a bit about getting a professionally restored Thorens?
Vendors (No real table dealers around me...looking at Music Direct...especially because of the easy return policy ....and they've been good in the past)

(Note: I will very likely stick to new on this as the idea of buying and shipping (again) a used turntable seems fraught with risk)

(One bonus question: When I switch my a5 to phono (nothing connected) i get some hum/noise...I'm assuming that's because nothing's connected to the the inputs or the ground?---Just hoping I don't go through all of this just to find out I have a bad phono section!)
You know the Rega wasn't my cup of tea when I've heard it, but it was a very very good table and much better than anything near it's price. It didn't stand up to a 5k plus Linn or a 8k plus Ayre table. I liked it better than the VPI's I heard (VPI's were at least twice the price). I think it's a very solid performer and not a Bose type of product. Can't go wrong with a Rega and upgraded cart.
"Well, my day has finally arrived. Tomorrow John from Audio Connections will be delivering my Vandy Treo's along with my Heed Quasar Phono stage and my Basis 1400, Basis/Rega 300/Micro Benz Glider"

Great setup, when you can swing it upgrade from the Rega to a Basis Vector arm. That will be a very significant improvement.

Sounds like you have a great system going and John is a great guy to work with.
This Kiko guy thinks he has mental telepathy. He seems convinced that he knows what my own experiences and thought processes are....
Well Abrew,
Coming from a person that doesn't know the difference between a LINE stage and a PHONO stage, who knows?
Let me ask you a question, which one did you ended up buying? The Pro-ject Carbon, the Debut III, the RP3, RP6, Traveler?
Please give us all a break!
And yet you have failed once again to explain yourself in terms of the SOUND qualities of the table and not on looks. I rest my case.