Headless MacMini

What is the best way to turnoff a headless macmini?
Mine is being use as a music server only with Pure Music.
What I do is use some sort of VNC remote viewer software on another computer or an iPad (I use the free Mocha VNC Lite). Or, if you have another Mac use the built-in remote desktop. These solutions require remote access to be enabled on your Mac Mini. Then, just use the Shutdown menu item underneath the Apple menu. A keyboard or mouse isn't necessary for this.
Good info. Will give it a try. Do I need to download an app to my iphone to control the mac mini with the phone?
Do I need to download an app to my iphone to control the mac mini with the phone?
Yes. I recommend PocketCloud which is free. It's easy to set up and is very secure.
Got the pocketcloud app on my iphone and ipod touch. Works like a charm. I think I'll still use the apple remote app to control itunes but it is nice to be able to turn the machine off the correct way.
Thanks again Mingles.
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