How long before your cartridge warms up?

Wondering if people would share how many sides of a LP must be played before they believe their cartridge has warmed up and is on "full boil" so to speak. My Ortofon MC Anna seems to like about 2 to 2.5 sides of an album (e.g. 33.3 rpm) before it really comes to life. This is something I am just starting to notice as I am fairly new to analog.
Since each case is probably different for many reasons, this is another topic worth learning about and then forgetting about most of what people will say about their particular experiences for the most part most likely.

TBG of course will be all over it and others may join in as well in order to benefit from discussions on nebulous topics similar to whatever nebulous and highly questionable product it is they might be hawking in a similar manner.

THen tbg will tell anyone who thinks its a waste of time that they add no value because everyone really enjoys wasting lots of time on nebulous audiophile topics.

SO lets cut to the chase and move on to more important things with our lives, unless this is a topic that truly burning for you, which might be the case for a select few, but not most.

No two cart setups are the same and all will sound different at different times. They are mechanical devices so expect things to vary over time depending on many things, similar to an automobile.

OK TBG, you can tell me I offer no value in these forums and I should leave now....
Mapman, I do think this phenomenon does happen. And as always I agree with you when you say there is no reason to have discussions of personal experiences as our tastes vary greatly.
"And as always I agree with you when you say there is no reason to have discussions of personal experiences as our tastes vary greatly."

There is reason to have that, but no reason to put too much trust into any single case that any of us might report, though some will be more trusted than others.

WHen many say the same thing, then clear patterns emerge that people can bank on with more confidence.

Also, fringe issues are just that fringe. WOrth some discussion, but not nearly as much as things that are widely accepted core principles and tenets of good sound, which one can read about in many places.

We all think we hear what we hear and know what we know, but that alone does not make it true.

I suspect cartridges do tend to "warm up" in general, for better or for worse, so that is worth knowing. Take action accordingly if this is a concern. That's about the extent of it from my perspective.

Just mine though.....
If you read the fine print on your cartridge manuals, some manufacturers actually publish temperature and/or humidity guidelines. A friend of mine found the Shelters mistrack here depending on the season, whereas the Benz tracks fine all year round. Interestingly Benz publishes temperature operating ranges that fit the climate here.