Sell quality turntable to buy top CD player?


I HAVE APPROX 55 LP'S. ON AVERAGE THEY ARE IN FAIR TO GOOD CONDITION. I HAVE ALREADY REPLACED A FEW WITH REMASTERED CD'S There are several LP's that date from 1974-85.Some are getting to be noisy with loud pops. In addition I probably only play 20 of my favorites of the 55LP's

My CD collection is nearly three times the size of the LP's. Therefore, I want to make a major CD player upgrade. I am looking at used CD players and have considered, Ayon,( Saturn "R", Esoteric, Naim, Ayre, Krell

I calculate I can sell my TT and cartridge and upgraded power supply for $1100. I would also sell my Rega Apollo for $450-$500. So my slush fund would be $1600.00 and I would kick in another $1000-1100 to buy a used player for approx. $2700 that retailed new for $4500-$5000.

Previously, I have considered the Cambridge Audio 840C and the 851C, and the Sony XA5400ES. Some members have said, these player, may only provide small improvements in the sound quality of standard "redbook" CD's

My integrated amp does have a very good phono stage should I decide to keep 15 of favorite LP's and buy a Project Debut Carbon T/T with cart much later.

"Useful" advice and comments welcome!!!
Let me backtrack from member Lewn's comment. I don't foresee buying more LP's. One, I don't want to track down used record huts with vinyl of dubious quality There only two such huts in Honolulu where I live.
Second, New LPs are expensive, especially if you buy from Music Direct or Acoustic Sounds. Even some of the speciality analog remasters of classic 60's rock sold direct on the internet can cost an arm and a leg. I never was totally sold on this so-called "Vinyl Renaissance" that has been growing in the last 15 years. However, as you noted (which could be debated forever), the Sony 5400, or the Oppo 105 may offer me enough improvement. ( I don't understand why OPPO does not offer a simple giant killer CD player WITHOUT A FREAKIN DVD PLAYER which increases its cost of production, and its retail price

To Bigbudukks. I thought Linn no longer made CD players?? ( I will check again) The Ayre CX-7emp usually sells for $1700-2000 "used" for the current model or an upgraded version. I have read and heard more pros than cons about its performance. One caveat supposedly sounds better through its unbalanced inputs. I don't have same on my Rogue integrated, and buying unbalanced to balanced adapters could cancel out the small gain by going with unbalanced inputs.

LoomisJ Good recommendation, but I was informed several times by members that using an "outboarded" DAC with the Rega Apollo would yield marginal improvements....and that was three years ago I looked at and considered a shit load of DAC from Micromega, Musical Fidelity, Rega; Sim Audio PS Audio and at least a dozen others. I say "considered" but did not try I did not want to get on the ship andtry merry go round. Shipping from Hawaii to the mainland is expensive.

Therefore, if anyone has ever used an outboarded DAC for the one in Apollo, let me know the results, but please remember I am looking to make a major upgrade in sound Thank again to all who have responded!!!
Sunnyjim... which Rogue integrated do you own? I believe they all have unbalanced (RCA) input/output.
Only the Pharaoh has balanced inputs (XLR).
You've got a small LP collection and if you're not buying more, go for the CD spinner. Have you considered a DAC to you present CD player?
oops, I got cut off. Are you referring to the Ayre sounding better using XLR to XLR? (a balanced setup)
Using high quality RCA interconnects, the difference in sound may be negligible in your system.