Led Zep Reissue on vinyl

Anyone listen yet? I haven't committed to getting them yet and am curious to hear any impressions and opinions. Thanks
They are all digital transfers from what I read online, which to me is an automatic disqualification. Weird to hear someone bash the classic records version, I thought it is universally accepted that they are the best thing since sliced bread. By the time I became smart to them they were over $150 a piece and rising so I backed off(Stupid). Originals, Oh Yeah Plum label...I would love to have I-IV original first press.

Seems like there is 2 camps, the classic records guys and the original guys. Classic = faithful to the tape NOT the first press, but the tape is old now. Also dead quiet vinyl. Despite being quiet I heard they are also hit or miss on quality from that label (No fill, Off center spindles etc..). Originals = I have yet to hear a dead silent first press, they all tend to be a bit noisey, but they were made when the tapes were FRESH. I can understand both camps.

The thing I do not understand it why Page decided to put digital into the signal path, very disappointing. My Guess is that it will not be too much longer before other reputable audiophile companies put it out as well. I am waiting for the next good press, and though I have not heard it yet. I think this aint it.
Much like Bruce Springsteen's output in the 70's, these were mastered to sound good on a car radio, but not much else. Who can blame them, given the kinds of home stereos that were in usage back then? Hearing these recordings on modern, highly resolving audiophile systems make this even more obvious. Remastering and reformatting can only go so far with those mediocre recordings.
The thing I do not understand it why Page decided to put digital into the signal path, very disappointing.

I take it you mean why didn't he use the original analogue tapes rather than using digital files/digital tape to create a new master. Possibly because it is a monumental task to pull the analogue sources and who knows what condition the tapes are in, or if they are even archived. Or the reason could be budget constraints.

We were lead to believe that "Mothership" was to be a great remaster supervised by Jimmy Page, but was only a remix from digital masters. I'll give them credit for eliminating tape hiss and using minimal compression, but in no way sounded like an original LZ recording; no bass slam, no soul.
Dunno how Mothership was produced but I definitely think the results are spectacular. As the system improves I'm amazed how Mothership continues to improve in terms of richness of detail, bass slam and definition, transparency, dynamics, intricacy and warm/ intimacy.
I'm with Dfel pretty much, but reality is quite simpler than that. I'm far away from being audiophile, but crazy meloman and collector where I'd always hunt for original releases anywhere I go or dig.

Page isn't alone and most of the artists create digital transfer out of the old tape. 30th Anniversary of Dark Side of the Moon had been pressed out of the hi-rez digital file and sounds as superior as ever. There's some of the advantages for sure.

Classic records releases have lower sound level transferred to pickup vs. originals and lots of audio information is simply LOST compared to originals obviously having the fact of old master tapes.

Creating a digital file normalizes the audio information substantially closer to the original recording of more than 40 years ago and therefore it's nowdays the right way to build reissues and remaster.

Good luck and happy tunes to those who ordered and waiting to hear!