Hello all, years gone by I worked for Marcof, some of you may remember the moving coil head amps. At one time Nagoaka asked us to develop a Head Amp for this cartridge. They sent us one, we did a few hours of testing, but only 2 or so hours of listening. So I have a Nagatron HV9100 Ribbon phono cartridge in mint condition in its original box and it is completely spec'd out with full graphs....
It has been gone so long.... Thinking about selling it off, anyone out there have an idea of its value? If it is worth much, I'll list it for sale here, If not, it has been resting fine. Thanks for any replies. Tim
Well, I'm surprised that I haven't heard from anyone... I'm not looking for offers, this isn't a subversive attempt to sell this. The question is straight forward. I recall it being a very nice sounding cartridge... and you won't find many ribbons out there. Any help or advice would really be appreciated.
You should ask your question over at Audio Asylum,you will get an answer over at the Vinyl Asylum section! Hope that helps!
Thank Yogiboy, Yea, I thought of Vinyl asylum, I was just thinking that if it was worth it, that I would list it here, so I posted the question here... it is really a fine low output ribbon cartridge, I have hand spec'd full curves, I hate to leave it sitting in the box forever, someone should enjoy it, but chiming in is appreciated.
I have one with a broken cantilever. Have been looking for another to see what they are about. No idea of what their value is... maybe try ebay and let the market decide.

Really rare or esoteric things can be all over the map. If you find the right buyer you can do well but there is also he chance of little to no interest.

Hi intactaudio,
I hear ya, don't mind giving someone a deal, but don't want to give it away. If I can't get something decent out of it, Sooner or later, I'll mount it.... I remember at the time, it competed favorably to the NAK 1000, just too long ago and too little listening to it for any specifics.
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