Where can I find a Benz lps cartridge for sale?

Are these carts scarce?

if is, why?

I have been told that Mr. Benz is getting up in years, and
since he is personally involved with the production and/or
testing of each cartridge there are some limitations on their
worldwide production.
Just a suggestion ... Lyra makes a very special cartridge. I own the Kleos. Very, very nice. Listing to Sarah Vaughn. What a voice.
I went with the Ortofon Cadenza Bronze, which is a superb tracker and is stunningly silent in the groove minimizing any surface noise. Also just a touch of warmth and sweetness compared to some other Ortofon models. Highly recommended and a superb value as well!
Ernst Benz, founder and chief designer of Benz Micro was in poor health over the last couple of years and passed away earlier this month (July 2014) at the age of 82.
One should not confuse Ernst Benz with Lukatschek. Lukatschek bought the company from Ernst and is the moving force by Benz since. But Lukatschek is not a young fellow
anymore and my have some helth problems. This may explain the shortage of the supply as my comrade Don put it.
Regarding the LP S (aka 'mr'). The cart is 16,5 gram so only suitable for the tonearms with extra weights or very heavy counter weight. Among my 14 tonearms only Triplanar
VII with its 4 weights and FR-64S with its 240 gr.counter weight can balance the LP S. Other tonearms will need extra counter weights for correct adjustment.