The SA-750 is said to have an eff mass of 20g. It's considered a good match with the DL103(d) or other low compliance carts.
I don't have one of these arms. The info was reported in VE a number of years ago by the UK importer. Because the 750 has fluid damping of the pivots, it's said to be compatible with a wide range of medium compliance carts. The S shaped 250 has no fluid damping, but looks similar in construction and the geometry is the same.
I don't have one of these arms. The info was reported in VE a number of years ago by the UK importer. Because the 750 has fluid damping of the pivots, it's said to be compatible with a wide range of medium compliance carts. The S shaped 250 has no fluid damping, but looks similar in construction and the geometry is the same.