Upgrade from Rega P3-24 .....

Please take a look at my current updated system's analog front end. I am perhaps considering an upgrade, thinking about the Rega RP6 and the VPI Traveler, with a nicely matching high output MC or MM cartridge. My total budget is around $2000. Would either of these tables be a considerable enough upgrade over my current system to justify a new purchase ? Or would I need to spend more $$$ to really hear an improved sound ? Other thoughts ? I love the way my system sounds now, but may be experiencing a bout of "upgrade fever." I've already taken some aspirin, but the fever won't go away.
You should also check out some other MCs. I think Benz also works well in Rega arms, but I'm not an expert. I will tell you, I upgraded from the Exact to the Lyra Argo and the difference was night and day. The only time it doesn't pay to upgrade the cart is when the arm can't handle it, but that's not your situation. Enjoy.
My recommendation is similar to Chayro. Spend the $2,000 on a cartridge and if necessary phono stage/SUT upgrade.

Try a Dynavector 17D3.

Nice system. Have fun with your upgrade decision.
How about the Audio-Technica AT-150MLX? Would that be an upgrade over the Exact Cart?
I am now thinking of keeping my table and upgrading the cartridge. For now, I'll stay with the built-in MM phono stage of my Rogue Audio Cronus (non-Magnum.) So,....... I'd like to hear more ideas about cartridges that will provide excellent synergy with my system. Anyone know about the new ClearAudio Ebony line ? My dealer is telling me that the $600 "Artist v2 Ebony" would work very well, and be a significant improvement over my Exact 2. What do you guys and gals think ?
Basically a sideways trade, IMO. I know you don't want to go for the MC phono stage, but sometimes we just have to spend more than we initially wanted to. OTOH, if I HAD to stay with the MM stage, I'd go with the Goldring Eroica High Output MC.