Help me not let this happen again

The above link shows photos show a slanted cantilever on my Dyna XV-1s. VFT was 1.950-19.75g, SRA was 91.5 degrees, azimuth was spot on and AS was set as minimal (probably 25% of total AS possible on TW 10.5 arm). Associated equipment was a TW Acustic AC table and TW 10.5 arm. The table is perfectly level by multiple spirit measurements. Tonearm bearings seem to check out with a 'float' test of the tonearm.

Absolutely no damage occurred to the cantilever. System is in a dedicated room with kids in college and a wife that HATES my room and stays out. No mishap by myself occurred either.

I have had the cart for around 4 years and probably have between 1500-2000 hours on it. Over the last month I noticed image smearing and 'wandering' within the soundstage, lack of air, and increased sibilance. I started trouble shooting the issue and started at the cart. I was shocked when I noticed the cantilever slanted slightly to the right (toward the outer edge of the platter/LP). It was fixed there and didn't change while playing an LP.

My only thought was that I dialed in anti skate by ear and loved the sound compared to the increased anti skate demanded by a test disc. Could this be from insufficient anti skate? I was told by others that skate or anti skate forces wouldn't be strong enough to cause a cantilever to do this.

My fear is this: I was lucky enough that my cart dealer let me trade in my XV-1s for an XV-1t and gave me a solid deal. Now that I have my XV-1t I love it! I thought the XV-1s was great, but the XV-1t is phenomenal. But.......I don't want this to happen again!

Any ideas on the cause or other things to consider, please let me know. I appreciate any input. I just don't want this to happen over time to my new cart!
"09-04-14: Jaxwired
My music server and DAC never have this problem. Go figure..."

So what ...
Could it be that you just wore it out ? Suspension bushing just gave out ? at 2K hours it surely had mileage.

One option you could have considered was to have the suspension replaced, I'd recommend Andy Kim at Needle clinic in WA, he has consistently done a great job on my own carts as well as that of clients. I had a Ortofon MC 70 redone by him a while back for $200, replaced the suspension cleaned the stylus and it was almost as good as new.

Just recently I had him replace the stylus on a ZYX R100 which had lost its tip, sounds great.

A client of mine had a child accident with a ZYX Diamond Gold which he repaired too.

How do you like the 1T compared to the 1S - I'm considering that move myself. Other than "love it" what does it do better ?

Good Listening
