Less listings

I have not been on Audiogon for a while. I recall there being A LOT more listings a year or so ago. Is there significant less listings with the " new and inferior" format?
It is hard to tell. The powers that be say that sales and membership is way up. Use "Google Analytics" if you want to get specifics on usage and other important data.

This time of year many people have other priorities as well.

Are you looking for something specific. I am upgrading:>}

Seasons Greetings!

Yes, I am looking for an Adcom ACE 515 if I have the numbers... correct. This is a power conditioner.

Thank you for your reply.

Look at the New Today listings. There seems to be a lot being listed - over 200 new listings per day. It is hard to tell what the mix is for what is being listed, but the raw number of new listings looks pretty high.
I think there are fewer Tweaks being listed. I've been waiting for weeks for someone to offer an Audio Magic Noise Disruptor(the larger of the two),but nobody's offering.
It might be a seasonal phenomenon. I find buyers stingy on Audiogon most of the time but the Christmas season, including when bills come due afterward, is even more challenging.

I have multiple items to sell but won't waste money on fees this time of year. I will try my luck elsewhere and advertise later on Audiogon if they don't sell.