Most transparent open & dynamic cables out there?

Hi, my system currently consists of entire Classe Omega set up including the monoblocks and Tannoy Kingdom 15 speakers. Tannoys are great, powerful and monumental, with tons of bass but they are rather slow and heavy sounding with rolled off highs, even driven by almost perfect amps like Omega. They also don't respond well to either jumpers or true biwiring - it slows the sound even further. So what I'm looking for is classi bi-wired cable to open the sound a bit with great speed and dynamics and tight punchy bass. Thanx!
Yes, but Transparent is meant to be used with Classe/B&W combo and Tannoy is VERY different sounding to B&W! The highs are rolled off big time compared to B&W (I had 802D and 800 Diamond before so I know their sound real well).
I would look for a different solution. You're asking the cables to do too much here.
I agree with Zd 100%.

Your speakers provide three different sets of adjustments for fine tuning their high frequency response. Have you tried all possible combinations of settings?

I would expect that those adjustment provisions would have much greater impact on high frequency rolloff and perceived speed than a change between any reasonably designed cables would provide. If they don't solve the problem, or at least come close to solving it, something other than cables needs to be addressed.

-- Al