Power cords?

I have recently tried a couple of power cords the audio quest NRG-10 and the new Shunyata Z-tron Viper booth made a huge difference! the audio quest was good for my cary cd player in solid state mode but gave too much midrange bloom in tube mode.
For the amp I triode the shunyata viper bass was low and brought a better image and sound stage depth.
But the other way around.

The NRG-10 for the amp it limited how low the bass can go. also made the cary integrated have too much midrange detail but not a lot of depth in the in the sound stage! but made the cary CD player sound better for tube mode and solid state!

my Question is shunyata better for tube equipment over audio quest. My audio quest dealer only sales solid state products. And was the best seller in power cords in their store. I tried the shunyata from another dealer that sells tube amps.
And for the shunyata a 1.85m cord is $525 and audio quest NRG-10 is $779 for 6 feet.
I think price for performance the shunyata viper sounds better then the audio quest and a better price.
Has anyone agree or have compared them booth?

I have a cary sli-80 and SACD 303t Profesional version.
I own Cabledyne power cords, available in copper or silver wire. They have bested many expensive cords and they are better made. See their reviews on the Cabledyne site. There was one here in Agon.
Jake -

ultimately, it will be your ears' choice as to which brand of cabling is the best. Might not be a bad idea to contact Cary directly and inquire about a specific brand that jives well w/ your gear. Keep us posted.
You can buy power cables from the electronic supply house that are heavy duty. I think they cost 7.00 each. I bet you can not hear the difference between those and the expensive cables you are looking at. Most of the time the sound correlates with how much money you spend. Audio is more about the brain than the ears.

I recently substituted a Pangea AC-9 for a Richard Gray power cord that has been loaned to me this past year or so. I perceived a bit less detail, but that may be imagination or inadequate break-in time. I've had the AC-9 for years, but set it aside as being too stiff for application to a component within my cabinet. But the amp sits on the floor between the mains, so connecting the AC-9 to it is manageable. An audiophile friend whose judgment I trust recommended WyWire Silver Juice II. I expect to keep the RGPC, AC-9, and Juice. I'll try the AC-9 with one of my Velodyne HGS-15s, and if it works, i.e., connects without too much trouble, I'll buy another for the other HGS-15.

The only problem is I live in a part canada that has only 4 high end audio dealers and would like to try them before purchasing them. Audio Quest, shunyata and nordorst are the only selections. I have tried nordeost and did not have the same performance for the same price rang though if you have a budget of $1500 or more then they would make a bigger difference. I do like Jafant's idea though to contact cary directly and ask them what they use at audio shows ether one of the 2 brands before ?
I am just thinking that shunyata has a bigger wire size then the audio quest and there technology is more superior I think? Z-tron" Although as an electrician my self tube equipment require more current and power then solid states unlike in krell amps though!
I would like to try the Pangea and Cabledyne power cords, but would hate to buy it off line then try to flip it. If it did not suit my system

I was wondering some one else tried both brands on tube equipment and to see what did they notice

My dealer is having the founder of shunyata come out for one night. So think I should see what he has to say for him self and his products?