RS Jaco Cord Upgrade ?


Need some ideas on which power cord to try on my Jaco; looking for a neutral cord with no color. Currently using a JPS AC+ power cord.

Reasonably priced cord...

The best cord I ever heard on my Jaco or Danielle was a Elrod EPS-3 Signature. An oldie, but a goodie!!


This might be out of your reasonable price requirement, but I'll throw it out there for your thoughts.

Most of the reviews for the Dmitri say that the top of their line Running Springs HZ ( High Zoot ) Crown Jewel power cord is the recommended power cord for it. It's $2,400.00.

However, just as the RS Mongoose power cord was licensed from Cardas, the HZ Crown Jewel power cord was licensed from Craig Hampel. It was his CH Acoustic X15 power cord.

I had the X15 power cords in my system until Craig came out with the X20 power cords, which are even better. The X20 power cord is $2,700.00.

If you want a power cord that to me, completely steps out of the way and lets the music flow freely, this will do.

I have a Dmitri and a Maxim. I bought them with the "Mongoose" and one day got a decent deal on the HZ cable. I felt the Mongoose made my system "nervous" and hyper detailed for lack of a better description... With the HZ, everything seems calm, quieter and more "natural." I haven't tried anything else yet due to the 20amp IEC but honestly, don't really have much desire to either. The HZ cables come up once in a while for $800-1k used.
Thanks for your cable recommendation! I have acquired a HZ Crown Jewel and an X20 PC and I can’t believe my ears, it’s like a veil has been lifted off of my speakers. Instruments like violins, cellos, trumpets, clarinets and acoustic guitars have an unbelievable realness to them that I can’t really put into words.

Ch Acoustics cables has beautiful tone, timbre, PRAT and excellent detail retrieval, I’m hearing things I’ve never heard before and it’s almost like being at a LIVE event in your own living room. You may think that the cables you have are good but when compared to Ch Acoustics, you’ll find out that they are muddy in the bass with excessive bloom. Be prepared to hear clarity, pin-point imaging, deep and wide sound-stage way beyond the boundaries of your speakers and delineation of instruments like you have never heard before.

I still can’t believe what I’m hearing or not hearing; it sounds so REAL