Synergistic Research Element Copper vs Tungsten

Anyone tried both the speaker cables and the ICs? What will make a bigger difference, Tungsten speaker cable over Copper or Tungsten IC over Copper?
It seems like many folks found the Tesla Precision Ref speaker cable a big step up from the Accelerator, far more than the equivalent IC upgrade. The same with the Element series?
Hasse - If price is no object I would look at the cts-that being said they were above my pay grade so I didn't even audition them. I am guessing they have the best of both worlds. I could be really happy with the copper elements. In fact, in my system, they seem to have better or "more" bass, which is something that my system lacks. I thought the tungsten speaker cables had less base (in some systems it could be viewed as 'better bass' then the elements coppers but they had a certain rightness to them. They seemed more liquid, with a greater ease, while also being more transparent. I'm not sure if they are worth the extra dollars over the copper but I bought them. (I had an all tesla accel. system before but have demoed quite a few others.)
Thanks Solda, the CTS is unfortunately way beyond my wallet. I´m using Magnepan 3.7´s, which I would not describe as bass heavy :), so perhaps the Copper would be a better match....both for the speakers and my wallet.
Did you found the bass of the Copper congested/bloated or just fuller with more body?
BTW, I already have the Accelerator XLR, did they stack up well against the other cables you have demoed?
That was the position I was in... The bass on the coppers had more body (guitar strings,piano pedals etc.), I personally did not find them congested. I definitely like the price point better then the tungsten. However I got sucked into the naturalness of the tungsten and that swayed my decision. I listen to alot of acoustic singer songwriters. I do plan on replacing the accelerator that is currently between the pre and amp with most likely a copper element (partly because of price point and partly to add a little weight to the overall balance) . I always liked my the tesla accelerators in my system but I felt they lacked a little in the "body" department. Galileo mpcs helped in that area also (but do add up in cost) The element series seemed to fix that area of concern.
I agree with Solda I was originally going to get Copper, but heard tungsten power cord bigger image and more holographic, bought copper element interconnects great detail and bass!