Still mystified by mega expensive power cords

AC travels miles from the substation, enters my house, goes into a panel, then runs to my hifi equipment. Once inside the equipment it goes through whatever wiring the manufacturer used. I don't understand how the few feet from the outlet to the back of the gear can make some of the dramatic changes claim (low end goes down another octave, deeper wider soundstage, etc). My thought is that as long as the power cord is shielded so that it's not working like an antenna, properly grounded, and of sufficient guage so that you're not loosing juice to heat, and has contacts that make a solid connection, any power cable should sound like the next, especially since the AC coming in is rectified and smoothed.

I'm not looking for flames, but for those that believe in power cables, enlighten me. Or said another way, can that $11,000 plus power cable I saw today possiblet do more than fatten the manufacturer's wallet?
Kiddman, we do what we can.
Some of us probably have the skills and resources to do just what you refer to.

Whether they will or will not have the effects you speculate about remains to be proven, but only when someone actually does the heavey lifting, which I am afraid will never be you,since even replacing a cheap one buck wall receptacle is too much effort for a suspected upgrade in performance.

You can scoff at what the results are that I and others report,but sadly you'll never know, and that's a shame.

But it's only a shame if you really are moved by good sounding music.

If you are quite happy with dreck, then ejoy it as it is.
And we will enjoy the lifting of veils and all the other audiophile superlatives reported by those who have gone the distance and are quite happy with the results.

We don't ask that you must do as we do, join us in our lunacy(as you must think it is)nor do we say you must do any of this stuff or spend a single dollar more than you already have.

We only state these things so that other folks who may be interested in improving their sound try some of the things that myself and others ,have found to make an improvement in our systems.

And I don't know or have heard any other person paricipating in this threads audio system.

Yet our findings seem to be pretty much the same, even though our systems are all different.

I think those who are serious about this hobby get it, and those who aren't ,don't.
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Kiddman, enjoy your ignorance.

Thomas Gray said "ignorance is bliss."
Of course there's another famous quote from P.T. Barnum...