SOTA diy speaker cables

It would be great to have diy cable and interconnect formulas to compare with the high dollar ones promoted here. Not in an effort to 'debunk the myth', but to make available high performance for those of us who may not otherwise have the means to take advantage of current technology in an inflated marketplace. Has anyone put together anything worthwhile to share?

Are you asking for suggestions of cable "ingredients" Iike - for example the construction of cables using cat5 telecoms or network cable and how to braid them for best results etc...

Something like this..-

You got it. I'm sure there are many diy cables members have tried and I'm interested in the results compared to the products offered by the various manufacturers. I'm particularly curious about the U-Byte2 cables talked about on TNT Audio.
One thing to remember - some amps do not like high capacitance speaker cables - it can cause some of them to oscillate, degrading the sound

In the u-byte2 article I looked at, the cables were rated at 800pf for a 5.5 meter cable - that's 145pf/meter

By comparison my DIY Van den Hul D-352 cables would be approximately 180pf for 5.5 meter cable - that's 32.5pf/meter.

Naim is one of those amps that performs better with low capacitance cables and they state this on their web site. Naim speaker cable is slightly lower - I believe around 20pf/meter

I did email Naim about the D-352 and they confirmed that although it was higher than their cable it was well within the operating limits of the amp

Just something to consider.
Hi capacitance wires normally sound very good with high current solid state, but can cause a few problems with speaker phase angles and tubes just don't like it. The cat 5 example above is a very high capacitance design.