Replace Silver interconnect cable , please advice

i don't like the sound of my system
almost no bass , weak soundstage
the music not lively

this is my System:
acoustic zen silver reference ii XLR interconnect
Cardas Clear speaker cable (install them few days ago)
wireworld platinum usb cable
Focal Electra 1038 be II
Pass labs X350.5
Pass labs Xp10 pre
Oppo BDP-105
PC computer

few people told me maybe it's the silver cable
and to try to replace it with Copper.

can you advice on 2-3 models for me to test?

maybe Cardas Clear like my speaker cables?
Brands like Audioquest, Cardas, Transparent and taralabs all give a better sharp focus with Pass labs. I like Audioquest a lot cause of the timing and stunning blacks. There are more which are able to give a sharp focus
I see in another thread you've just started that you are replacing the Focal Electra 1038 Be II speakers (15 3/4 inches deep, 49 3/16 inches tall, 112 pounds) with Focal Maestro Utopias (30 5/16 inches deep, 57 7/8 inches tall, 256 pounds).

Hopefully you've chosen a different location for them in the house than the one shown in your system description photos, that we've discussed as being problematical even with the much smaller Electra. If not, unfortunately I think you are going to be disappointed, and the question of amplifier compatibility that you've raised in the other thread will not be the major issue.

-- Al
The Focal speaker use very good crossovers. So you have the room to create a wide and deep stage. Good silver makes it more open en also can create a deep and wide stage. Good silver is expensive. For example I use both the Audioquest Sky and the brand new 2013 Wild Blu Yonder with the new XLR connectors. The difference in sound is huge. The Wild is more open but also a lot more musical. Sound is compared to the Sky less clean but warmer ( more pleasant)
Audioquest SKY/Everest is a favorite of mine.....Cardas makes my system sound like ----
For me, changing Focal for...bigger Focal is a mistake.

If you can, try a pair of Usher Audio CP-777. Even in a bad acoustic, those speakers are stunning. The Diamond DMD tweeter is way superior than the Focal's BE tweeter driver and the Appolito configuration assure a perfect phase. So you'll get a better image and sharp and smooth highs. The low register is also amazing. You'll not need a subwoofer with the CP-777...
The finish is also great and you'll save a lot of money in the process to invest in better wires.