What is behind a "warm" or "vinyl"sound?

I found an interesting article in The Saturday Toronto Star's entertainment section on the resurgence of vinyl.

What I found most interesting in this article was a description of why people describe vinyl as "warm". Peter J Moore, the famous producer/mastering engineer of the legendary one microphone recording of the Cowboy Junkies' Trinity Sessions recording says it all comes down to the fact that humans do not like square waves - ie. when you go from super quiet to super loud at no time at all. He gives the example that if someone was to slap two pieces of wood together right beside your ear would be about the only time one would feel a square wave - and that would make you jump right out of your skin! He says digital, particularly MP3s reproduce square waves like crazy, which triggers fear which also produces fatigue. He says if those same two pieces of wood were slapped together across the room, the square wave would be rounded off by the time the sound reached our ears. Turntables cannot reproduce square waves due to through time it takes for sound to get though the length of wire and the magnet that the wire is wrapped around in the cartridge. By the time the signal gets through that the sharpness, he ugliness, has been rounded and that, he says, is what people are talking about when they describe vinyl as "warm" sounding. Interesting!

I find there are a bunch of digital manufacturers, like Lumin, that are striving for a vinyl sound. I wonder if they are somehow rounding off the square waves in the digital signal to do so? If this is the case, "perfect" reproduction may NOT actually be beneficial to the sound...at least for someone who really wants a vinyl sound experience. Better may not actually be better when it comes to digital sound reproduction!
I think your brain just gets tired of converting endless 1's into sine waves and screams for mercy, aka listener fatigue.
I agree with your list of the four requirements for excellent digital sound. Get these parameters right and you'll have very natural sound, if these aren't addressed properly the sound suffers. I/V conversion and power supply execution aren't fully appreciated for their major influence. Also less filtering is the right pathway toward a more natural presentation.
First, an ideal square wave does not exist in the real world, as it would have an infinitely fast transition time between its two voltage states. However, if those transition times (i.e., the risetime and falltime of the signal) are very small in comparison to the period of the square wave ("period" being the inverse of its "fundamental frequency," meaning the frequency of its lowest frequency component), then when a cycle (a single period) of that signal is graphically depicted (as on an oscilloscope) it will tend to pretty much *look* square.

Second, re:
Turntables cannot reproduce square waves due to through time it takes for sound to get though the length of wire and the magnet that the wire is wrapped around in the cartridge.
This is simply nonsense. So much so that I don't even know how to clarify it.

To the extent that accurate reproduction of what is on the recording is the goal, as opposed to compensation for the poor qualities that are present in many recordings, accurate reproduction of "square waves" whose "fundamental" (lowest) frequency component lies within the audible spectrum is desirable, at least as a goal. Accomplishing that requires bandwidth to be considerably greater than 20 kHz, to avoid phase shift issues and assure adequately fast risetimes and falltimes (bandwidth, i.e., the range of frequency response, is inversely related to risetime and falltime). And also to avoid causing overall system bandwidth to be too low when the bandwidth limitations of the various components in the system are combined. It also requires that overshoot and ringing be minimal. Many phono cartridges, especially Low Output Moving Coils, are easily capable of accomplishing all of that, certainly as well as it can be accomplished by redbook CD. In fact an issue that not uncommonly arises with LOMCs is a resonant peak (i.e., an over-emphasis) in frequency response in the ultrasonic region or even the lower RF region. Redbook CD, on the other hand, is theoretically limited to a bandwidth of 22.05 kHz (1/2 of the sample rate).

In other words, reproduction of "square waves" in digital can often be more "rounded" than in analog!

To the extent that vinyl might be inherently warmer and less fatiguing than digital (and I personally don't agree that that is necessarily the case, assuming the recordings being compared are similarly well engineered), the reasons have pretty much already been cited: Absence of jitter effects; how harmonic distortion may be distributed among its various frequency components, as Swanny alluded to; absence of overshoot, ringing, and phase shift anomalies that may result in part from filtering that occurs in digital playback equipment and digital recording equipment (although cartridges and phono stages can also certainly ring and overshoot to some extent); and design deficiencies and compromises that exist in a lot of digital equipment, such as in some of the ways Steve cited. Also, both record surface noise and low level noise generated in phono stages are perhaps euphonic in many cases, adding a sense of ambience and perhaps masking undesirable artifacts, and their absence in digital may sometimes be a negative in subjective terms.

Finally, if what the person quoted in the OP said were true, all it would take to make digital sound like analog would be implementation of a "rounding" (i.e., bandwidth limiting) function in the analog circuitry that follows D/A conversion, having some desired bandwidth characteristic. Implementing that electronically is trivial. It seems safe to assume, however, that making digital consistently sound like analog is not quite that simple.

-- Al
Hi Al,
How ironic given the article author's premise, that in fact digital can round the square wave more than a cartridge in some cases. This is opposite of his explanation. Thanks for your input.
Interesting indeed!
However, DSD is the closest I've ever heard to Vinyl.
DSD sounds warm, inviting, natural, easy flowing, you name it, just like a high-end Vinyl rig does.
Interestingly enough DSD is perfectly capable of square wave reproduction.

Go figure. :-)
