Good value for money speaker cables around $200

Hi everyone,

Im currently using Belkin silver pure av cable on my full range floorstanding speakers, and want to try something potentially better. In the $200 range, Ive narrowed it down to Nordost flatlines, AQ rockett 33 or 44, Clear Day shotguns, Morrows sp2, and maybe some Kimber thing. Unfortunately I cant go and listen to these and compare them since where I live theyre not available, so was hoping to hear from folks who have had a chance to compare these different cables either at home or in stores. I shld add that my amp is a ss integrated, and I listen mostly to vinyl on a debut iii at the moment. Any and all suggestions are greatly appreciates, especially if you have some or alot of experience w any of these cables, or if theres something worth looking at that Ive missed. Thanks in advance,

+1 on the AQ Rocket 33's. These are the cables I use and find them to be excellent for the money. I hope you get additional meaningful answers from users of the other brands you sited. Good luck in your search.
I've tried them all ,except the cleardays, and have found the Audio Art SC-5 to be better, more neutral and, which is not common, to sound decent on any speaker.