Need advice on rich sounding cables

I have yg carmel speakers and solid state gear.

I am after speaker cables that have these attributes. Can spend Up to $4000 msrp for a 8 foot length.

Neutral frequency response
Bass well controlled and defined, not heavy
Highs not edgy, or hard, or pronounced.
Timbres and vocals natural sounding
Fast speed overall.
Rich sounding midrange given the speakers and gear don't add to the sound.

Some of the brands I am considering
kubala sosna
Snake river signature series
Argento serenity series
Tara labs the One or the Two

The cables listed are well regarded but you might be surprised by trying the less expensive Harmonic Technology Pro 9 Reference cables that IMO have most of the attributes you seek.
If you're into that kind of money, I would try a few pairs from the Cable Company to see what best suits your tastes. There's just no way to tell what you're going to get without putting them in your system and $4K is too much to risk without a demo. IMO. There are probably also some cable dealers here on A'gon that would be more than happy to let you home demo at that price point. Good luck
Agree with both Mitch2 and Chayro. IMHO, a cheap but well matched cable is better than expensive ones plus you can use the extra money on something else for better improvements.