Need advice on rich sounding cables

I have yg carmel speakers and solid state gear.

I am after speaker cables that have these attributes. Can spend Up to $4000 msrp for a 8 foot length.

Neutral frequency response
Bass well controlled and defined, not heavy
Highs not edgy, or hard, or pronounced.
Timbres and vocals natural sounding
Fast speed overall.
Rich sounding midrange given the speakers and gear don't add to the sound.

Some of the brands I am considering
kubala sosna
Snake river signature series
Argento serenity series
Tara labs the One or the Two

2nding the Clear Day Cable suggestion from Mcondon. Below your budget but hopefully that's not a problem. An audition of Paul's double shotguns would be risk free.

Apologies for not seeing your post earlier. My speaker cables are not appropriate in bi-wire configuration, and sound far worse than a single pair with jumpers....
Bi-amped is fine, but I think you're being kind in saying anything positive about my speaker cables bi-wired.
I would strongly suggest you try my speaker cables (or anyone else's) in a single wired, diagonal configuration as suggested in this PDF from Audioquest -

Paul Kaplan
Kaplan Cable / Waveform Fidelity
I have Focal Utopia speakers and tube amp / preamp. In my system, Cullen Speaker cables ($179 for a 8 ft pair) sound as good as my AQ and Kubala. Don't waste your money on speaker cables unless you are filthy rich and don't know what to do with your money. Buy the Cullen cables which have 30 day money back guarantee and use the left over money to upgrade your system.
My speakers are Dynaudio Confidence 3's with a Plinius SA201 driving them and the SRA Cottonmouth Sigs I just bought meet all your requirements in my system. Get some from the Cable Co and give them a try.