choosing Power Cords for Vitus SM-101


2200VA power supply for each monoblock
but i'm not sure what is the power need

for example about Siltech:
“The Ruby Hill II is usable with components with power needs of up to 500W. And the Ruby Mountain II excels with components of all power levels up to 3kW"

what do you think?

Bo1, Siltech cables are not "inferior". They have excellent build quality, extremely pure metalurgy which does not degrade & are designed using the same computer software Porsche use to design their cars. Those are some of the reasons Siltech cables maintain high resale value. The problem is, cheap knock off's are giving them a bad reputation. There is no such thing as "best" cables, only the best in synergy with your system and budget.
I come from the Netherlands, in our country we don't take Siltech that serious. And that has a reason why. Compared to Purist Audio they are inferior. I test and compare all the time. Only the best counts. But there are more cables which make better powercables than Siltech does.

Audio is all about searching the best for the money. I love to outperform competitors. That is the most fun part in my job. I am a perfectionist, always looking for the best and I always want to win. This gives you the smile on your face when you get the deal and not your competitor.

These days I do consulting. I have much more time to test and more time for my clients. This makes it very easy to outperform every single audio shop. They often use lower quality stuff. And they also have less knowledge and insight in sound. Many are F lazy, they don't test that much.

In the past I have outperformed the powercables from Slissstech many times, and with ease!!
Bo1, PAD cables sound warm and have good bass, but are on the dark side of neutral which doesn't suit every system. Also, their higher end cables are unwieldly, heavy and difficult to accommodate in a tight space. That is why I said there is no such thing as "best", only what is best for synergy in your system. I am not a Siltech fanboi, but I stand by my comments.

As far as my personal preference with cables go, I use Jorma Prime xlr's & pc's & Jorma Statement sc's in my system which sound natural/organic, resolving, harmonically rich & are excellent value (atleast in Australia). They work extremely well in the context of MY system. Each to their own.

Btw, you may enjoy "outperforming competitors" and "always want to win", but I have to say based on your responses in this thread, you may end up being a very lonely person.
The balance of the Slisstech powercables is not good. You only win a battle when you have a product which performs better than your competitor. And then you make a lot of friends. So you never get lonely!! :)