choosing Power Cords for Vitus SM-101


2200VA power supply for each monoblock
but i'm not sure what is the power need

for example about Siltech:
“The Ruby Hill II is usable with components with power needs of up to 500W. And the Ruby Mountain II excels with components of all power levels up to 3kW"

what do you think?

@Bo1, that's the most shameless commercial advertisement i've ever seen and a disgraceful breach of Audiogon's TOS.
I am not here to sell. I am here just for fun. I live on the other side of the planet.

I can garantee you one thing; The % audio what is really good is extremly small. This is the main reason why many people don't get what they deserve for their money. I have seen this for a long time.

I see this as the main reason why audio is having a rough time.

You don't know me, you have to read better to understand my words the right way!!
Try the Mad Scientist "Neo" Power cord about $500 but competes with the best.
Melbguy1, ignore Bo, dont let him to discurage you from providing valuable advise on these forums.