"A Josephson junction is made by sandwiching a thin layer of a nonsuperconducting material between two layers of superconducting material. The devices are named after Brian Josephson, who predicted in 1962 that pairs of superconducting electrons could "tunnel" right through the nonsuperconducting barrier from one superconductor to another. He also predicted the exact form of the current and voltage relations for the junction. Experimental work proved that he was right, and Josephson was awarded the 1973 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work."
This is not to say the molecular structure of metals is not changed during cryo, including the transformation of some trace elements to more benign ones and making more homogeneous metals that have been rolled, drawn, bent or hammered, such as musical instruments or wire. For non-audio apps this can result in golf clubs that hit the ball farther, rifles that shoot more accurately, engine parts that last longer, etc.