Nordost QB8

QB8 owners:

What configuration do you use when plugging your gear into the QB8?

I've got good results in the following order, starting from the end of the QB8 where the mains power cable plugs into the QB8:

1) Meridian MS600 streaming endpoint/DAC
2) empty
3) empty
4) Primary Earth Socket - Simaudio P8 pre-amp
5) Simaudio W8 amp
6) empty
7) empty
8) Simaudio 650D Transport/DAC
Hi Camb,
This is a topic I'm really interested in.
I own a QB8 and four QV2s. Equipment used: TTable(Well Tempered Amadeus, DPS power supply), phono stage (Clearaudio Reference, early 00's), preamp (Pass Labs Aleph L II), amp (XTZ AP100).

Best results, from the outlet closer to wall power cord:

1 - QV2
2 - QV2
3 - TT PSU
4-Pr. Earth - Preamp
5 - Amp
6- Phono stage (200W psu)
7 - QV2
8 - QV2

I have an Entreq Tellus grounding the QB8, and Entreq gear for the TT, phono and preamp, plus the amp case. I do enjoy it a whole lot but, please note that I have become Entreq's distributor for Portugal last month, after a year of successfully using their products as a customer.

So, based on what I managed to gather from a Nordost reply to my queries regarding disappointment with the sound, I suppose - it has not been in any way confirmed by the company- the following:

Actual current path would begin at 5, therefore you probably should go for the larger watt draw there. It then travels from the centre in straight lines to the left and right of the QBase, the left/right periferic outlets being the last to get power. You'll notice I placed the phono stage AFTER the amp, but as you can see, it draws a lot of power for a phono. Therefore, I place it right after the amp, so the heavy demands will be served in the same current path (to the left) in order of offer and demand. I used to follow Quantum instructions and place the phono BEFORE the preamp, but sound I got was tired and lifeless. I suppose that happened because both amp and phono were making current demands opposite each other (either side of current entry in the internal PCB). But, as I said, these are only hypothesis to try and explain the results I've been getting.

Well, that's a lot of writing already. Any more ideas? Right now the QB8 has been set aside, since I'm trying other current delivery options.

Thanks Msom,

I'd love to hear your input on what effect grounding the QB8 with the Tellus. I've bee trying out an Acoustic Revives RCG-24 and while it does add detail and depth, it also seems to emphasize the high frequencies. This adds sybilance to female vocalists in particular and I'm not really enjoying the effect.

I've moved the wiring around again to follow the order recommended in Nordost's Odin brochure:

1) Empty
2) Meridian MS600 streaming endpoint/DAC
3) Simaudio 650D Transport/DAC
4) Primary Earth Socket - Simaudio P8 pre-amp
5) Simaudio W8 power amp
6) empty
7) empty
8) empty

This is a little less "powerful" and dynamic sounding than the previous set up but also a little more coherent. Addiing a QV2 into the #8 position adds some weight and bass power to the presentation, along with better bass definition and an overall "fluidity" to the music. Adding a second QV2 to the #7 position is too much, though, in that it seems to mute the high frequencies too much.
Hi Camb,

Thanks for more info, and sorry about the delay in replying- I'm getting ready to move (again). Tell that to my turntable and vinyl collection!

Actually, connecting my QB8 to an Entreq Tellus shifted an emphasis on mid/high frequencies to a lower mid/low frequencies extension. I got more soundstage, recording depth details and a less artificial result- and mind you, I enjoy electronic music!

The thing is, is that an "effect", or a release from RF and mains pollution? You notice that, going from recording to recording, a certain detailed glare prevalent before the Tellus was an unshakeable constant (a clear sign of distortion) whereas the Tellus allows each record to sound, well, like itself, away from the sonic landscape of the previous record. It became easier to ascertain the particular sound of each track and album. I would call it absence of pollution.

Old thread" any updates on the QB 8 ? Has anyone replaced the fuse with SR black or blue ? garden earth ? what is garden earth?

Any feedback on earth outlet to grounding rod?

I think what they are referring to when they say "garden earth" is connecting the Qbase to a grounding rod (driven deep into the soil, earth, garden or dirt) just outside of your home.  I use a # 8 grounding wire run from my Qbase to a grounding rod driven 6 feet deep just outside my home.  Nordost now recommends using their new Qkore grounding system which (in my case) will take the place of the ground wire and rod.  My retailer has offered me a demo unit to try and swears it makes a sonic improvement over no ground connected or ground wire and rod connected.  I will be auditioning the Qkore soon and will report my findings.....Also I tried plugging my Simaudio 870a amp into the Qbase but it didn't sound nearly as good as plugging it directly into the wall outlet.....@tecknik  I recently upgraded the stock fuse in my amp to the SR blue fuse and noticed a sonic improvement and also wondered if replacing the stock fuse in the Qbase would yield the same results.  I might just try it since SR offers a 30 day guarantee.