Speaker cables

I have seen on an internet used cable mart a pair of Harmonic Technology Pro 11 Reference speaker cable and a pair of Cardas "Cross" (NOT GOLDEN CROSS) speaker cable

I was able to listen to the HT Pro 11 Reference with a pair of Martin Logan ESL, and later with a pair of Monitor Audio RX-8.at a dealer in Los Angeles The cable sounded very good with both speakers, especially its ease of sound and transparency

However, a few days later,I listened to the Cardas Cross speaker cable on the same Martin Logan's. They were impressive with a great sense of musical rightness and solid imaging

I learned later that both these cables are, or will be discontinued. The dealer suggested I listen to the new Nordost Red Dawn LS series with both the above speakers; I did and was somewhat blown away, but not enough to cutting a check on the spot for close $1100 for a 10-11 ft pair

However, I can buy either the Harmonic Technology or Cardas speaker cable online for almost half their original price, and much less than the Nordost RED DAWN LS. My pocket book tells me to buy one of the first two brands, but my intuition tells me that overall, and despite a bit of some of brightness, to bite the bullet and buy the RD's.

I realize each product has particular strengths but this one might be too close to call, especially when there is some money to be saved.

Will appreciate any and all advice. Thanks

Thanks to all for their comments. The information is very helpful. No big surprise, my source for the used Harmonic Tech and the used Cardas is the Used Cable Company inventory.

Of course, despite their reputation who knows whether they did not take in a few fakes cables over the years by accident or oversight.

I am trading all my ICs collected over 20 years. but am not convinced I am getting a good deal.

To Mr. Grogan, I heard that complaint many times before about brightness of Nordost cables. They claim they have toned it down (bad pun) in the LS series; and, I can't say it was searing or fatiguing to listen, at least for the hour.

I think part of Nordost's appeal is those cool, bright skin colors they use to often identify the cable, especially the "Purple Flare" and "Blue Heaven"

Sunnyjim- If you check Cardas' web site, you will see pix of many of the counterfeit cables they've seen over the years. Might help. I agree that the Csrdas house sound is a bit on the fat or syrupy side. At least that's they way they sounded to me 5 or so years ago.
I think part of Nordost's appeal is those cool, bright skin colors they use to often identify the cable, especially the "Purple Flare" and "Blue Heaven"
Absolutely agree, as vanity definitely motivates a buyer. I'm sure some guys buy Nordost, put them in their system, and before playing music, step back thinking, "Wow, they look great!"

IMHO, it is very important to NOT think about how each particular cable sounds, but to think about how each cable could affect the sound you currently have. If your system is a little bright, then it is very unlikely the Nordost will eliminate this, and very possible to add more brightness. However, if your current sound is somewhat rolled off in the upper treble, or a little dull sounding, then no doubt, Nordost would probably solve that problem.

System synergy is very important, and I have often compared this to making a casserole. If you eat a casserole you just made, and find it a little salty, you don't pick up table salt, and add more. The next time for making the casserole, you just alter the recipe. Also, a certain spice can be great for numerous recipes, yet horrible in others.

So, here are your descriptions of how these cables sounded.

1) "especially its ease of sound and transparency"

2) "great sense of musical rightness and solid imaging"

3) "somewhat blown away, despite a bit of some of brightness"

Which characteristic is most important, as an advantage to try, or a disadvantage to avoid, in changing the sound of your current system?