Power cord length?

If I'm going to spring for an uber expensive cord-a 'final' purchase-say an MIT Oracle AC 2--is there any sonic benefit going to a 4 meter vs a std 2 meter? (I have absolutely no chance to audition). Technical details of 12 ft versus 6 ft power cord?
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make sure the length of the cord is at least the distance between the outlet and the component

After that, I don't think it matters
I owned the most expensive MIT powercables. These days I know they are not the best anymore. The make instruments and voices too big in proportion. And yes longer powercables often sound better than shorter ones.
What is the opinion of those here on this thread?, Regarding the question, what is the sound difference between a 3ft, 5ft, 6ft, power cord?, Is it the presatation?, meaning, forward presatation-A,B,C, seating role from the stage of a musical event?, sound stage seating of H,I,L seating role from the stage of the musical event, which I prefer, sounds more believable, Does these specific Lenghths change the tone?, Will one lenghth give listener fatigue over the next lenghth?, answer the differences period you can hear between 3ft, 5ft, 6ft, power cords to the best of your knowledge, I look forward to the answers, cheers.