Do Jumpers make an audible difference?

I have recently completed my Shunyata loom of cables except for the jumpers. I'm currently using Nordost Heimdals and was wondering if moving to the Shunyata VTX jumpers would net enough sonic benefit to warrant the upgrade. Would like to hear from those who have upgraded jumpers and what those experiences have been. Thanks
@audiolabrynth - I still say no way anyone can hear a difference using mass produced Monster Cable in 1 foot increments. Your theory of signal degradation is sound but the question is if it is enough to be audible. Using this theory shorter is always better, right? In theory, no cable is the best cable.
The popcorn is popping, just cracked a cold one, let's get this party started! I so love these heated cable discussions...
04-19-14: Waxwaves
The popcorn is popping, just cracked a cold one, let's get this party started! I so love these heated cable discussions...

Especially with so many humorous responses....pass the popcorn Adam.

04-16-14: Lak
Bottom line is there are no guarantees.

Larry seems to have it figured out though, as does Al.
@ Mceljo, Hi, I never said I did test with 1 foot increments, I did 2 foot increments, The only size I did in 1 foot, was between 5 ft and 6ft, I also said, that there was little difference, but there is a difference in sound between 5ft and 6ft speaker cables, I agree, there is no Best cable, however, given a very good system, keeping everthing the same, you will find a Best cable for that particular system, may take a life time, may take a week, depends on alot, you know that, we all do, I do believe there is a few models of cables out there that work to best effect on nearly any system, those cables are rare, they are out there, To me, There is a top group of cables, no Best, But a best group, some swear about Nordost, High-fidelity, Tara Labs, Purist Audio, etc.. and so on, I prefer Tara Labs cables, does not mean they are the Holy Grail of cables for every one,To each there own, when you get to the very best 4 models of Tara Labs, they cost alot of money, I believe all esoteric cables are over priced!, They are just cables, right?, LOL!, The Bad news is, as much as I hate it, I paid the exotic crazy prices!, was it worth the performance return for the money?, compaired to what's out there, absolutly!, cheers.