@ Mceljo, Hi, I never said I did test with 1 foot increments, I did 2 foot increments, The only size I did in 1 foot, was between 5 ft and 6ft, I also said, that there was little difference, but there is a difference in sound between 5ft and 6ft speaker cables, I agree, there is no Best cable, however, given a very good system, keeping everthing the same, you will find a Best cable for that particular system, may take a life time, may take a week, depends on alot, you know that, we all do, I do believe there is a few models of cables out there that work to best effect on nearly any system, those cables are rare, they are out there, To me, There is a top group of cables, no Best, But a best group, some swear about Nordost, High-fidelity, Tara Labs, Purist Audio, etc.. and so on, I prefer Tara Labs cables, does not mean they are the Holy Grail of cables for every one,To each there own, when you get to the very best 4 models of Tara Labs, they cost alot of money, I believe all esoteric cables are over priced!, They are just cables, right?, LOL!, The Bad news is, as much as I hate it, I paid the exotic crazy prices!, was it worth the performance return for the money?, compaired to what's out there, absolutly!, cheers.