I owned the Valhalla loudspeaker cable for over 12 years of time. When it came out it was for some years the reference in loudspeakercables. Based on speed and resolution.
But all tests with 100% Valhalla were all dissapointing. Because essential parts were missing for the absolute sound. These days there are more cables who surpass the quality easilly. Time and technique go on.
At the end all parts togheter of your set create the overwhole sound including your room.
We compared the Valhalla loudspeakercable wih the Cardas Golden reference in the past. Maybe it sounds warmer overwhole. I remember the faces of the people who owned the Golden Reference. The Valhalla had so much more details and separation. After this test they put there Golden Reference for sale.
Warmer sound with cables is possible, but you will loose in other parts.
I think you need to look for newer cables with newer techniques.
good luck testing.
But all tests with 100% Valhalla were all dissapointing. Because essential parts were missing for the absolute sound. These days there are more cables who surpass the quality easilly. Time and technique go on.
At the end all parts togheter of your set create the overwhole sound including your room.
We compared the Valhalla loudspeakercable wih the Cardas Golden reference in the past. Maybe it sounds warmer overwhole. I remember the faces of the people who owned the Golden Reference. The Valhalla had so much more details and separation. After this test they put there Golden Reference for sale.
Warmer sound with cables is possible, but you will loose in other parts.
I think you need to look for newer cables with newer techniques.
good luck testing.