Need "warm" interconnects advice

Hi, I need some advice on IC cables.
I'm looking for warmer, lusher, more romantic, "gold" type of sound - interconnects...
It seems to me my system is a little bit too detailed and precise. I'm preferring gold/silver or alloy cables, like Gabriel gold or Silnote.
Any advice would be appreciated :)
I own the Audioquest 2013 Redwood loudspeakercable. This one goes a lot further compared to the Cardas golden reference. I have done a few tests with the Cardas Golden Reference in the past.

The Redwood is a lot faster in timing and goes deeper. The blacks are superior to the Cardas. Resolution goes further and there is more decay. Individual focus of instruments and voices is a lot sharper. The level of 3D is also a different story.
Audiobb, the previous(not sure abut current so) gabriel gold rapture and reflection speaker cable are not that good, I hd them in my system and they were lacking bass and sounded artaficial, you are wasting your time playing with them. If you want great speaker cables for the price try Snake river audio signature cables or purist audio venustas or Acoustic Zen Hologram, btw purist audio came out with latest revision (looks like total overhall) called luminis.
Bo1972, did you have a chance to hear this latest revision, any comments?

Jmcgrogan2, Jafox, what is your recommendation for a really great speaker cables that are not cheap but do not cost more than 2-3 grand? I came to realization that cables should be treated as a components to really show potential of the system.

Jafox, did you have a chance to hear JDs hybrid or gold refference speaker cables?
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