Reviews of $10k plus ics, speaker wires, and pcs

Do you think reviewers should do such cables? What about $30k plus components?
I don't understand your hypothetical question. You ask "should they?" What does it matter...they do. Stereophile, Absolute Sound as well as Dagogo and other online sites reach into the stratospheric range quite often.
Roxy54, there are many protests about reviews of costly components; there are many reviews of costly components; but that doesn't mean there should be such reviews.

I do suspect that most reviewers would rather review more expensive components.

With the top 1% now having a majority of our country's wealth, manufacturers might well only direct their products toward sales to the top 1%. Long ago Henry Ford realized that if his employees not afford to buy his cars, he would not sell many. Modern businesses may be making just that error.
Frankly, even though I can't afford such stuff, that's why I read Stereophile et al. Cheap stuff reviews can be found in mass market mags or even mags not devoted entirely to audio ( not to mention online). Hey, on the rare occasion I pick up an auto mag, I sure don't want to read about an affordable Ford.
05-05-14: Tbg
With the top 1% now having a majority of our country's wealth, manufacturers might well only direct their products toward sales to the top 1%.

Haven't they already done that? I don't think any manufacturer out there hasn't at least doubled the price of their top of the line gear/cables in the last 5 years. The current model seems to be working for them, they won't change their business model until the economy forces them to do so. I expect to see prices continue to skyrocket into the stratosphere.

Long ago Henry Ford realized that if his employees not afford to buy his cars, he would not sell many. Modern businesses may be making just that error.

Modern businesses are making this error, but greed won't stop by itself. The pendulum won't start to swing back towards the middle until some movement stops the momentum of the direction it's currently headed. Gravity won't stop greed.

As for reviews, who really cares? Do people still read those fluff stories? Does anyone really take them seriously? If so, I have a bridge for sale in Brooklyn. ;^)
No disrespect intended, but this topic has become really threadbare. Like any other type of artwork, film or journalism that we may not like or agree with, we have the freedom to ignore it. I find that the printed and online sources of audio reviews give enough space to middle priced gear, although I agree that the middle prices are certainly becoming what was once considered very high prices; and not too long ago at that.
Still, I find entertainment in reading about some of it. It is more interesting than reading about the latest from Rotel for my taste.
As to the question of should they review these expensive items, I say sure, why not?