Reviews of $10k plus ics, speaker wires, and pcs

Do you think reviewers should do such cables? What about $30k plus components?
My opinion is that one should not need such expensive gadgets in order to enjoy music fully.

On the flip side, the cutting edge of anything is bound to be disproportionately expensive and benefits likely to be more marginal as well, so it is grounds not often tread on by many except for scientists and engineers in their laboratories perhaps. But I get the impression most who would review this stuff are likely neither an unbiased scientist nor an electrical engineer, just another shlub like me with an opinion. Why not praise good stuff? I doubt the reviewers can afford such gadgets anyhow, so who are they to shoot it down, even if justified? They will never own it anyhow most likely, so that would come across as pretty petty.

So sure, review whatever one wants, even if just for entertainment purposes, but personally I would not expect the results to hold much water.
Czarivey, certainly if my observations don't prove you wrong, your statement without any proof is totally lacking in credibility.

Mapman, I have long understood what your believes were. I don't buy them, however, and see no reason why I should given my personal experiences.
So your position then is that these things are needed and nobody is qualified to say?

That would seem to dismiss the value of any kind of review then. People can and will make up their minds on their own.

I'll buy that. Like I said, the reviews have little value other than as entertainment.
I've seen assembly lines of cruise ships, BMW, MB in Germany. The industrial tours of Germany are FANTASTIC!

Obviously, I didn't have even partial thought about touring via audio wires assembly lines... Anyone else here did? Anyone else here seen audio-wire assembly lines?
Please share your thoughts. How can I get to see audio wire assembly line? I don't have many plans towards China travels, but would certainly look forward to it.
Mapman, I certainly am not saying as you and Czarivey are that they are unecessary. That is just your opinion.

Also while no self-respecting scientists would ever say that anyone is qualified to state that something is true without substantiation for this, I do have respect for some reviewers but only because I know how careful they are to optomize the piece being reviewed.

While there was a day when I would very seriously pursue listening to something that HP or JGH recommended, that day is gone. I have to hear it myself or have it recommended by a handful of people I know around the country and now abroad.

Incidently, I think written postings on Audiogon or AudioAsylum are virtually worthless. But some where everyone posting shares a preference can be useful. Unfortunately, those who don't share that preference often feel compelled to jump in a muck up the useful thread.