Reviews of $10k plus ics, speaker wires, and pcs

Do you think reviewers should do such cables? What about $30k plus components?
The reason of my strong beleif about scam is based on basics of Electronics and nearly 30 years of retailing business. I recognize quickly many kinds of schemas and chains. I know all values and what they should actually be and not only on audio merchendises weather they've been or haven't professionally or unprofessionally reviewed. That's what I do for living and at the same time share with you all so to bring cognitivity back to ones who left it somewhere let's say in audio-wire assembly plants.
I can tell you from the best of my knowledge I have too many proofs that my state of mind changed other people's state of mind(layer of society does not matter) by moving brainwash clouds outside of one's cognitivity. I tend and wish to drive the scam market down for good to benefit other people and certainly myself together.
You can get a big boost in SQ sometimes just by flipping the direction of the interconnects. Scout's honor.
You can believe anything you want, as I said Total Freedom. Cool isn't it? Conversely, others have the same freedom you have, why do you need them to think exactly like you do? If you believe cables over $50 are a scam, great, carry on. If others do not, that's their right. End of story.
You can strut around feeling superior because you've seen an assembly line.
BTW: My deduction from your previous statement is that you're full of crap. That's how I react when someone states they know everything about everything and they are doing it for the benefit of "the people".
Czarivey, I can certainly understand why some folks regard high priced cables as scams, but really, don't you think that ordinary folks, the ones with iPods and Best Buy all in one components, view everything in high end audio as a scam?
@ TbG, See, I told you others that do not have the caliber of cables and equipment of the best available will bash you, regardless of their, so called fanatical, I am right, and you are wrong mentality!, They , believe me, Have NEVER have had the exsperience with the cables you have or I have,Welcome to the club TBG, tune all others out!, LOL!, case closed!