Reviews of $10k plus ics, speaker wires, and pcs

Do you think reviewers should do such cables? What about $30k plus components?
Speaking of the Muratas, we demonstrated the Golden Sound Ultra Tweeters at CES back in '05. The Ultras also sit on top of the speakers, which at the time were the new behemoths from Golden Sound. The Ultra Tweeters were connected by thin conventional speaker cable to the speaker terminals. With the Ultra Tweeters in, the sound was spacious, full and intriguing. With the Ultra Tweeters out, the soundstage collapsed, the sound was uninvolving, etc. Now the big reveal. The Ultra Tweeters are not super tweeters at all, they operate at a frequency above 1MHz. They produce no energy below 1MHz. I had two pairs in my system for at least a few years.
In the US there are a lot of different brands. In Europe we don't have all these brands. This means many small companies try to make a good product. I have tested cables from small companies in my country. Often they were ok, but never exeptional.

I Always recommend to try different cables in every set.
Some of these products are performing at such a high level it is interesting to see what makes them tick. I personally don't understand why people get upset over it, sooner or later that technology will trickle down to a much more affordable product for everyone. A well done review is a learning experience for me. Best of Luck
I hear a lot of nonosense the other way as well.
There is something to be said about confronting nonsense rather than just accepting it.

I did just that and it's been years that I've been restricted over at Audio Circle. It was never lifted and I didn't even start it, nor was I nasty. I just shot down some blatant right wing talking points and boy, what a dust up.

that's why

All the best,
That is why I want audio to become more open and honest.

I focus on it and I will go on. The main reason is that in 16 years of time I saw too many people with average or even poor sound. Caused by the reasons I already told.

It is time to change it make it more clear for all music lovers. They have the rights to get a better quality in the endresult of there system.