Reviews of $10k plus ics, speaker wires, and pcs

Do you think reviewers should do such cables? What about $30k plus components?
I've heard Nordost High End wires once that I know of in a 6 digit tube amp dealer system with Magico Mini 2 speakers. It was very good sound in a smaller room with the Magicos, especially for classical music. but pop/rock genre left me somewhat cold for those $$$s. I expected perfection always with a system like that.
I sold Nordost for over 9 years of time. I sold a lot of Valhalla in the past as well.

The limitations are involvement in the mid freq. Not an intimate realistic proportion of instruments and voices.

Other brands also can give a wider and deeper stage.
Bo, your assessment of Nordost is consistent with my limited exposure to them to-date.
I sold and used Nordost my way. Like I do many things differently.

But for a reason. As a perfectionist it need to be perfect, or it is a no go.

I hate every single limitation. So what you do is you try to solve them. You add properties it does not own to make it complete.

So I used Kimber interconnects to change some limitations.

When I used Kimber interconnects the stage became wider and deeper. But I also got a much sharper individual focus of instruments and voices. And a much more open and involving mid freq.

And as you know; hearing is believing. In blind test all people choose for then Nordost/Kimber combo instead of full Nordost combo.

During discussions about this with the Nordost people they got irritated. Because they are f... blind ( deaf) and believe in there f....bullshit synergy story.

The prevered sound is what counts. There stories are worth nothing!
Bo1972, "The prevered (preferred?) sound is what counts. There (their?) stories are worth nothing!"