Reviews of $10k plus ics, speaker wires, and pcs

Do you think reviewers should do such cables? What about $30k plus components?
I my country the most common mistake people in audio make is spending a lot of money on speakers compared to the rest of their set.

What I did 10 years ago during a audio show was using speakers of just 1000 dollar and I used an integrated amp of 7000 dollar. I had a stunning endresult. ( what counts most)

I told people the importance of an amp and that many people spend less money on amps.

There is a reason why people people spend easilly a lot of money on speakers compared to how much they spend on amps and cables.

This was a reason why I started to use blind tests in the past. Because audio works best by convincing people.

Still many make this mistake. So I bring in cables and amps to open their eyes ( ears)
Move your business here because here people tend to spend a lot of money on wires.
Spending lots of money on good speakers looks like a very good mistake to me.
Spending money on shit is very easy in audio. Same thing about spending a lot of money on getting an average or low quality.

Audio is all about the right balance in a system. In most systems the balance is far from perfect.

This is based on:

- Using tools which togheter are not the right combination.

- missing essentail parts which need to be there.

- Not able to get a decent level out of the speakers caused
by a too low level in amps, source and cables.

* For me it is a constant repeating of the same limitations.