Reviews of $10k plus ics, speaker wires, and pcs

Do you think reviewers should do such cables? What about $30k plus components?
In the Netherlands sets above 50.000 dollar are often owned by people with a mid or even lower income. I had a few miljonairs, but they do not spend so much money on audio like a person who is seeing it as his hobby.

Maybe in the US it is different....

These days you can buy a much higher endresult in sound compared to let's say 5 years ago for less money.

I see this as a very positive thing. I use it, but many don't use it at all!
I had a few miljonairs, but they do not spend so much money on audio like a person who is seeing it as his hobby.
Hobby in US can drive mind outside sanity and as Bo noted, millionaires most-likely would not spend xx,xxx.xx money on audio wires. Having the fact of reaching descent wealth, very often it implies to strong mind that would certainly block such naive decisions.
Czarivey, I know of at least four very wealthy guys, all in the Northeast who have multiple very expensive turntables, amps, turntables and, yes, sets of cables. I know of one guy with eleven Stage III Krakens, I know of a guy with 90 plus StillPoints Ultra 5s.

Your wishful thinking doesn't make it so.
I know of a guy with 90 plus StillPoints Ultra 5s

Now that's quite impressive.

Dose doods probably have wealthy parents. It often implies to laziness to analyze and research instead of simply throwing money away.