Reviews of $10k plus ics, speaker wires, and pcs

Do you think reviewers should do such cables? What about $30k plus components?
I often talk about a realistic proportion of instruments and voices, or intimate sound. I give you an example; The new Pass Labs poweramps .8 series are according to the people of Pass Labs giving a better sense of space and depth are greater, the layer of instruments and placement is much better and locked in space. Vocals have more body and substance. And, the bass goes deeper and is tighter.

They paid attention to achieve a more physical image as well. This also can be achieved with cables. When you listen to a system with a stunning black level and physical intimate image you know in a few seconds that it is different and that it comes closer to you.

This is a very important part to create more emotion during listening. The same thing can be said about how much information you hear from your system. When it goes deeper you wil feel the difference in what it does to your emotion. When I put of my subwoofer, people are stunned about the difference in emotion. You go back to a lower level of exitement and pleasure.

When you have a wide and deep stage and instruments become all physical apparent it does a lot to your emotion.

The overall sound are all the parts togheter. It is quite easy to explain what is missing. I invite a lot of people at my home. This makes it very easy to explain.

Many of my clients have the same kind of 3 dimensional physical image. At the end you Always can hear my sound back. Because I work exactly the same way all the time.

It is easy to hear how deep and wide a stage is. You can hear how deep a system goes in the low frew. And you can hear how good the level in blacks are. Instruments and voices can become what I call round. They go from 2 dimensional to 3 dimensional. Often voices and instruments are rather flatt. You also can hear how much resolution and decay there is a set. Same about the flavors in the mid freq. Control and timing are also not difficult to Judge.

When you do this for a long period of time and have done it over and over again you hear and understand patterns.

When I talk about a convincing sound I mean that every single person understands quite easy what it makes nice and addictive to listen at. I know this because I like to ask people with totally no knowlegde in audio what they think.

This information is very important. I Always want women to listen to it as well. Wenn they come along with there partner. In general women have a better developed hearing. So I use it. In the past I Always had about 300 cd's with me. I asked them what they would like to listen.
Sorry Roxy about the mistake. It is Overall. I often write very fast and normally I do not read it back!!
>> I often write very fast and normally I do not read it back!!

I hope you are more Precise with your Listening. Anyway, just my overwhole Impression.
>>How much those cables actually cost to make?

About $300-500 max after start up phase, the rest goes to sales/marketing and some to R&D (10-15% for small companies, less than 10% for larger companies), the numbers are derived from discussions, observations and my experience in the high tech industry. So the one company that sells wires with some magnets is having a ball of their life; some overzealous commentators keep on promoting those magnets. No doubt, I know first hand how good they but we don't want fan boys only thread on the Gon, do we?

Having said that, I still buy expensive cables (yes, those too) as they take my system to a higher level but am constant lookout for cheaper alternatives and once in a while I perform an auto- sanity check.
You can listen with your own ears to these expensive cables. So you can Judge for yourself if they are worth it yes or no.

Comparing makes audio more clear and open. With this information you can make your own decision.

In my opinion over 95% of everything what is produced in audio is not worth the money. Those who sell these products which are not worth it make audio in general unreliable.

That is the main reason why we react so differently on this thread.