A fair degree of computer literacy definitely helps with Squeezebox. Its easy for the "system administration" aspects of computer audio to become a big sideshow, drawing away from listening time.
I'm a computer systems/software engineer, so I thrive on this stuff! But I can understand that its not for everyone quite yet. Things continue to progress. Usability of computer entertainment devices in general is still evolutionary, way more so than home audio sound quality these days.
My wife is an old fashioned girl and would be happy for the most part if things went back to the way they were in the 50's. She hates all my fancy gadgets and controls, which I love! NEver complains about the sound quality though. :^)
I'm a computer systems/software engineer, so I thrive on this stuff! But I can understand that its not for everyone quite yet. Things continue to progress. Usability of computer entertainment devices in general is still evolutionary, way more so than home audio sound quality these days.
My wife is an old fashioned girl and would be happy for the most part if things went back to the way they were in the 50's. She hates all my fancy gadgets and controls, which I love! NEver complains about the sound quality though. :^)