So far, I've received a TA PowerLink Super (MM1) that I'm using with the
MA-1. Made a pretty nice difference over the stock PC. I have a TA
PowerLink Premium (MM2) on order now. I'll order another and place one
each per mono amp, with the ultimate goal to upgrade them to Ref
PLLMM2s over time. I also recently took receipt of a TA PowerIsolator MM.
I plugged the MA-1 and the Sooloos Ensemble into it. WOW! That made
the greatest difference. Subtle details are no longer subtle. They're there in
their proper balance, but they are no longer hidden in the mix. I expect to
order a PowerIsolator 8 and another PowerIsolator MM. The PowerIsolator
MMs will be mated to their very own mono amp, while the PowerIsolator 8
will take care of the remaining equip. I must say, the PowerIsolator trumps
the H_LL outta the Richard Gray Power Company 1200C it replaced.